“Getting those Double Unders”

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Double Unders are one of the most common goals that we tend to see at CrossFit gyms and also one of the most frustrating. Here are some quick tips to get the rope rolling and possibly make double unders one of your new favorite moves!

#1 Get the right rope

There are so many ropes on the market, just know that you don’t need the $200 super double under wonder. Grab a rope from any number of fitness gear sites, ideally one with a metal cord (old school ropes aren’t ideal). From there you can customize your rope to how it fits you and your technique, this makes a HUGE difference. Since it’s yours, you can adjust and lengthen the cord to fit your needs and make it easier to nail down some double unders. Usually coaches have solid recommendations to start J

#2 Just get started

At first you may need to make some bigger movements. Larger jump, kicking the feet back and making huge swings with the arms. But, you’ve got to start somewhere! This is natural as you begin getting your first double unders. My recommendation is to do whatever it takes to get that first one. Then the pressure is off because you know you can do one!

#3 At the first, start to refine

You’ve hopefully gotten that first double under completed, now we begin to make small changes to make them better. Depending on where you are at, you may be doing 1 double under and then a few singles in between. That’s a great start! Not many people can go from 1 to 100 in a day. Getting some reps in mixed with single unders helps you understand the feel of things. Start by minimizing the number of single unders in between reps, then maybe jumping a little less high. Baby steps will eventually compound into making those double unders feel smooth and effortless!

It should also go without saying the practice is key. Spend a few minutes a day working on them and you’ll see big gains. So get that rope, hit some singles and then hopefully begin your double under journey!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at ResoluteFIT: Home of CrossFit Frogman is right for you.
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