Have you ever taken time off from fitness? Or maybe you had an injury that sidelined you for an extended period. Whatever your reason may be, that time away can drastically effect your fitness and you may feel tentative coming back, or unsure of how to approach things when you return. With that in mind, here are some tips on how to “make a comeback”!
#1 Treat yourself like it’s your first time working out
It is easy to get immediately sucked back into the way you initially worked out. You may have been doing crazy moves on the pull-up bars, lifting insane weight or crushing rowing or running WODs like it was no problem. However, if you’ve taken some decent time away, odds are your body isn’t going to move like it used to. Don’t worry though! It will comeback. In the meantime, try to imagine how you first started when you joined a gym and approach things with some light caution. This will help to get the ball rolling and avoid quick burnout and possible injury
#2 Scale!
This is more for those that are recovering from injury. Whatever may have happened, your body is most likely still recovering and getting back to status quo. I would highly recommend that you reduce weight, complexity and intensity. If you were Deadlifting 300# before, try and stay under 150# for a few weeks. If Handstand Push-Ups and Barbell Snatches appear, do yourself a huge favor and opt for Push-Ups and Kettlebell Swings. This is going to help your body adjust back to where you were faster, and if you do it the right way, you will be back to normal in no time!
#3 Use this opportunity!
Things happen and we miss the gym for weeks, months or even years! So when you step back into one, use it as a chance to rebuild a great foundation of fitness that you can move forward with. While the weight is light, work on quality technique to setup future success. Cardio may be a bit slower, so now you can make sure that running, rowing or bike form is solid. Use your reintroduction to working out as a blank slate and crush it!
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